Fran is a powerful motivator with a story to tell, his
court case with Disney was real “David v. Goliath”
………Larry Bass CEO Screentime Shinawil
Ltd producers of award winning “You’re a
Star” for RTE.
Fran is an exceptional speaker – get to see him
in action – it's an experience that you will never
forget ……………Killian Kavanagh
CEO 451 Graphic Designers to U2 and other celebrity
Fran has been to hell and back for his principals ………learn
from his experiences and enrich your own life ……………Niall
Sheerin Lawyer.
If there is one motivational speech that you attend
this year, make sure it’s to hear Fran………..he
has a moving story to tell and he will ensure that you
are entertained while hearing it……Miriam
Peters Interior Designer and owner of “Minnie
Peters Brand”.
Fran faced up to a life challenging and changing experience…hear
him recount his battles and learn from his victories…………Nigel
Bray CEO Chalon Kitchens Ireland.
Fran is a motivational speaker par excellence ………………his
abilities with words will keep you spell-bound……Manoj
Chawla Entrepreneur and former VP British Telecom.
Fran speaks from the heart and from life experience……his
presentation is amazing……Ann Bannon Remax
“Auctioneer of the Year”.